Well........Michael and I got married!!! YAY!!! 11 months of planning, crying, arguing, loving, and stress ha ha we did it!!! I am so forever grateful that I married Michael. It was the best decision I've ever made in my life....we're so excited. Well, we got one of the family houses on campus here at UTPB and we love it. It's a one bed, one bath, living room, and kitchen ( : Perfect for us. We really enjoyed decorating and unpacking into our new house. It was a lot of fun. We're now onto our 3rd week of school, I graduate in May and Michael will soon after I do! We are both working really hard in school. Although it's been a few weeks we still have not heard anything from our financial aid. So hopefully we will this week. We've been praying hard....we really need the help so our parents don't have to dish out money from their pockets cause they already did for the wedding.
I start subsitute teaching again this week and I am so excited. I did it last semester and it's great experience for when I do actually get my certification and have my own classroom. Not to mention the pay is really good too! ( : Well, Michael and I are both doing well and we are loving the married life. It's sure not perfect we have our differences thats for sure. But I love my husband with all my heart and we are truly happy! I will try to keep things posted on here so that family and friends can keep up with everything that is happening in our lives. We love you all!!!
Jess & Mike