Jan 22, 2009

Baby Update!

Well....we went to our 1st appointment on Jan 5th and everything was great! I was in good health and so was the baby. He/she measured to be 29mm long and I found out I was 9 weeks and 5 days at the time, which was a little further along than I thought. From the length of the baby they determined my estimated due date to be Aug 5th, but the doctor said that since I was so early that he will just say Aug 10th. So as for now that is the due date of baby Castillo. They did an ultra sound and we got to see our baby for the 1st time. It was incredible, of course I cried like a baby, I was overwhelmed at what the Lord was creating in me. He is amazing!!! I praise him for this!!! Well...the baby wouldn't stay still....he/she was squirming around everywhere and it was so cute, the doctor was trying to get a still shot and finally the baby stoped doing exercises and we got a picture. I look at it everyday! ( : Our next appt is feb 2 and I will be almost 14 weeks so we don't think we'll be able to find out the gender, the genetalia is there it's just really small about that time, they say 16-20 weeks is perfect for finding out the sex so we might have to wait till next time. We want a baby boy so bad, but as along as the baby is healthy then we're fine with a girl too! ( : I'll post more later!!!!